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[12] Hartman P.: On the linear logarithmico-exponential differential equation of the second order. Amer. J. Math. LXX (1948), 764-779. MR 0027926 | Zbl 0035.18302
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[21] Leighton W.: On self-adjoint differential equations of second order. J. London Math. Soc. 27 (1952), 37-47. MR 0046506 | Zbl 0048.06503
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[23] Leighton W.: Principal quadratic functionals and self-adjoint second-order differential equations. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 35 (1949), 192-193. MR 0030672 | Zbl 0032.34603
[24] Leighton W.: The detection of the oscillation of solutions of a second order linear differential equation. Duke Math. J. 17 (1950), 57-62. MR 0032065 | Zbl 0036.06101
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[27] Nehari Z.: Oscillation criteria for second-order linear differential equations. Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 85 (1957), 428-445. MR 0087816 | Zbl 0078.07602
[28] Oakley C. O.: A note on the metods of Stuгm. Ann. of Math., ser. II, 31 (1930), 660-662. MR 1502970
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[31] Potter B. L.: On self-adjoint differential equations of second order. Pacific J. Math. 3 (1953), 467-491. MR 0056156 | Zbl 0051.06502
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[33] Putnam C. R.: An oscillation criterion involving a minimum principle. Duke Math. J. 16 (1949), 633-636. MR 0033415 | Zbl 0037.34302
[34] Putnam C. R.: Note on some oscillation criteria. Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 6 (1955), 950-952. MR 0074613 | Zbl 0067.06202
[35] Ráb M.: Poznámka k otázce o oscilačních vlastnostech řešení diferenciální rovnice y" + A(x) y = 0. Časopis pro pëst. mat. 82 (1957), 342 - 348.
[36] Reid W. T.: A comparison theorem for self-adjoint differential equations of second order. Ann. of Math. 65 (1957), 197-202. MR 0092045 | Zbl 0077.08604
[37] Coбoл И. M.: Иccлeдoвaниe acимптoтичecкoгo пoвeдeния peшeний линeйнoгo диффepeнциaльнoгo ypaвнeния втopoгo пopядкa пpи пoмoщи пoляpныx кoopдинaт. Maт. Cб. 28 (70), (1951), 707-714.
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[39] Wintner A.: A criterion of oscillatory stability. Quart. Appl. Math. VII (1949), 115-117. MR 0028499 | Zbl 0032.34801
[40] Wintner A.: On the non existence of conjugate points. Amer. J. Math. LXXIII (1951), 368-380. MR 0042005
[41] Wintner A.: On the comparison theorem of Kneser-Hille. Math. Scand. 5 (1957) 2, 255-260. MR 0096867 | Zbl 0080.29801
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