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MSC: 93.60
[1] Zadeh L. A., Ragazzini J. R.: An Extension of Wiener's Theory of Prediction. J. Appl. Phys. 21 (July 1950), No. 7, pp. 645-655. MR 0038052
[2] Wiener N.: Extrapolation, Interpolation and Smoothing of Stationary Time Series. John Wiley and Sons, New York 1950.
[4] Lees A. B.: Interpolation and Extrapolation of Sampled Data. IRE Trans. IT-2 (March 1956), pp. 12-17.
[5] Blum M.: An Extension of the Minimum Mean Square Prediction Theory for Sampled Input Signals. IRE Trans. IT-2 (Sept. 1956), pp. 176-184. MR 0122625
[6] Johnson K. R.: Optimum, Linear, Discrete Filtering of Signals Containing a Nonrandom Component. IRE Trans. IT-2 (June 1956), pp. 49 - 55.
[7] Blum M.: On the Mean Square Noise Power of an Optimum Linear Discrete Filter Operating on Polynomial Plus White Noise Input. IRE Trans. IT-3 (Dec. 1957), pp. 225-231.
[8] Пepoв B. П.: Cинтeз импyльcныx цeпeй и cиcтeм c импyльcнoй oбpaтнoй cвязью. Aвтoмaтикa и тeлeмexaникa 48 (1957), No 12.
[9] Цыпкин Я. 3.: Teopия импyльcныx cиcтeм. Физмaтгиз, 1958.
[10] Coлoдoвникoв B. B.: Cтaтиcтичecкaя динaмикa линeйныx cиcтeм aвтoмaтичecкoгo yпpaвлeния. Физмaтгиз, 1960.
[11] Kpyтькo П. Д.: Cтaтиcтичecкaя динaмикa импyльcныx cиcтeм. Coвeтcкoe paдиo, Mocквa 1963.
[12] Boлгин Л. H.: Элeмeнты тeopии yпpaвляющиx мaшин. Coвeтcкoe paдиo, 1962.
[13] Guest P. D.: Numerical Methods of Curve Fitting. University Press, Cambridge 1961. MR 0120762 | Zbl 0097.13905
[14] Линник Ю. B.: Meтoд нaимeньшиx квaдpaтoв и ocнoвы тeopии oбpaбoтки нaблюдeний. Mocквa 1962.
[15] Koвaниц П.: Oбoбщeнный диcкpeтный aнaлoг зaдaчи Зaдe-Paгaззини. Report UJV 1028/64, Nuclear Research Institute of the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences.
[16] Kalman R. E.: A New Approach to Linear Filtering and Prediction Problems. Trans. of the ASME (March 1950), pp. 35-45.
[17] Tou J. F., Joseph P. D.: Modern Synthesis of Computer Control Systems. IREE-Trans. of Appl. and Ind. (May 1963), N. 66, pp. 61-65.
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