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MSC: 93C30
[1] Blandhol E., Balchen I. G.: Determination of System Dynamics by use of Adjustable Models. Automatic and Remote Control - Proc. of the 1963, IFAC Conference in Basle, Vol. 1, pp. 602-614.
[2] Hopкин К. B.: Пpилoжeниe тeopии cpeднeквaдpaтичныx пpиближeний к линeйным caмoнacтpaивaющимcя мoдeлям. Aвтoмaтикa и тeлeмexaникa XXVI (1965), 7, 1216-1222.
[3] Krýže J.: An Universal Statistical Analyser. Automatic and Remote Control, Proc. of thc IFAC Congress - Basle 1963, Applications and Components, pp. 676-686.
[4] Krýže J.: Methods for Storage and Processing of Analog Data, Used in MUSA-6. Kybernetika 1 (1965), 2, 144-179.
[5] Krýže J.: MUSA-6 - Ein universeller statistischer Analysator. Zeischrift für Messen, Steuern, Regeln 6 (1963), 7, pp. 286-298 and 9, pp. 386-391.
[6] Škarda J.: Meda, malý elektronický diferenciální analysátor. Sborník V - Stroje na zpracování informací, NČSAV 1957.
[7] Eykhoff P., Smith O. J. M.: Optimalizing Control with Process Dynamics Identification. IRE Transaction on Automatic Control AC-7 (1962), 140-155.
[8] Schmidt G.: Selfeinstellender Regelkreis mit Bezugsmodell. Regelungstechnik (1962), 4, 145-151.
[9] Reinisch K.: Verwendung eines Modellregelkreises zur Gewinnung einfacher Bemessungsregeln für lineare Regelkreise und zur Ermittlung der Kennwerte von Regelstrecken. Zeitschrift für Messen, Steuern, Regeln u. Automatisierung (1960), No 6, 245-256.
[10] Donalson J., Leondes C. T.: A Model Referenced Parameter Tracking Technic for Adaptive Control Systems. IEEE Transactions on Applications and Industry (1963, September), 241-252.
[11] Weygandt C. N., Puri N. N.: Transfer Function Tracking and Adaptive Control Systems. IRE Transactions Automatic Control AC-6 (May 1961), 2, 162-166.
[12] Kitamori T.: Applications of Orthogonal Functions to the Determination of Process Dynamic Characteristics and to the Construction of Self-optimizing Control Systems. Automatic and Remote Control, Proc. of the 1960 IFAC Conference in Moscow, vol. II, vol. II, 613-619.
[13] Margolis M., Leondes C. T.: On the Theory of Adaptive Control Systems; the Learning Model Approach. Automatic and Remote Control, Proc. of the 1960 IFAC Conference in Moscow, vol. II, 555 - 564.
[14] Braun L., Jr., Mishkin E., Truxal J. G: Approximate Identification of Process Dynamics in Computer Controlled Adaptive Systems. Automatic and Remote Control, Proc. of the 1960 IFAC Conference in Moscow, vol. II, 596-604.
[15] Gibson J. F.: Self-optimizing or Adaptive Controi Systems. Automatic and Remote Control, Proc. of the 1960 IFAC Conference in Moscow, vol. II, 586-596.
[16] Фeльдayм A. A.: Aвтoмaтичecкий oптимизaтop. Aвтoмaтикa и тeлeмexaникa. XIX (1958), 8.
[17] Havel J.: An Electronic Generator of Random Sequences. Transactions of the Second Prague Conference on Information Theory, Statistical Decision Functions and Random Processes, 1960, 219-229. MR 0134431 | Zbl 0107.12802
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