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Title: A Note on Absolutely Measurable Sets (English)
Author: Riečanová, Zdena
Language: English
Journal: Matematický časopis
ISSN: 0025-5173
Volume: 18
Issue: 4
Year: 1968
Pages: 339-345
Category: math
MSC: 28.10
idZBL: Zbl 0167.32601
idMR: MR0254199
Date available: 2009-09-25T07:58:34Z
Last updated: 2012-07-31
Stable URL:
Reference: [1] Xaлмoш П. P.: Teopuя мepы.Mocквa 1953.
Reference: [2] Mickle E. J., Rado T.: On density theoremsfor outer measures.Rozpr. mat., Warszawa 1960. MR 0126523
Reference: [3] Pиeчaнoвa 3.: Зaмemкa o мнoжecmвax peгyляpныx no внeшнeй мepe Kapamэoдopu.Mat.-fyz. časop. 15 (1965), 200-205.
Reference: [4] Pиeчaнoвa 3.: O внeйшeй мepe Kapamэoдopu.Mat.-fyz. časop. 12 (1962), 246-252.
Reference: [5] Pиeчaнoвa 3.: О peгyляpнocmu мepы.Mat. časop. 17 (1967), 38-47. MR 0217245
Reference: [6] Saks S.: Theory of the Integral.New York 1937. Zbl 0017.30004


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