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[1] FINK J. F.: A note on unilateral digгaphs. Bull. Calcutta Math. Soc, to appeaг.
[2] GELLER D. P.: Minimally strong digraphs. Proc. Edinbuгgh Math. Soc., 17, 1970, 15-22. MR 0266815 | Zbl 0197.50503
[3] HARARY F.: Gгaph theoгy. Addison-Wesley, Reading 1969. MR 0256911
[4] HARARY F., NORMAN R. Z., CARTWRIGHT D.: Stгuctural models: an intгoduction to the theory of directed gгaphs. Wiley, New York, 1965. MR 0184874
[5] MANVEL B., STOCKMEYER P. K., WELSH D. J. A.: On гemoving a point of a digгaph. Studia Sci. Math. Hungar., 5, 1970, 299-301. MR 0285450
[6] ROSS I. C., HARARY F.: A description of strengthening and weakening members of a gгoup. Sociometry, 22, 1959, 139-147. MR 0109790
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