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The text is about Karl Feuerbach and his remarkable theorems. First, we describe his life and the path to mathematics. Then we remember the ``small'' Feuerbach's theorem about nine points circle, with brief proof. Finally, we state the ``big'' Feuerbach's theorem about tangent circlec, and two the most interesting proofs.
[1] Ayme, J. L.: Feuerbach's Theorem a new purely synthetic proof. 2010, překlad: Rosado, F. B., internetový zdroj:
[2] Grinberg, D.: Karl Wilhelm Feuerbach, sein Kreis und die Dreiecksgeometrie. internetový zdroj:
[3] Pedoe, D.: Circles: a mathematical view. The Mathematical Association of America. 1995. MR 1349339
[4] Prasolov, V.: Plane Geometry part 2. překlad: Leites D., internetový text, originál: MR 1196005
[5] Švrček, J., Vanžura, J.: Geometrie trojúhelníka. Polytechnická knižnice. Praha 1988.
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