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$F$-manifold; Poisson algebra; $F$-manifold algebra
$F$-manifold algebras are focused on the algebraic properties of the tangent sheaf of $F$-manifolds. The local classification of 3-dimensional $F$-manifolds has been given in A. Basalaev, C. Hertling (2021). We study the classification of 3-dimensional $F$-manifold algebras over the complex field $\mathbb {C}$.
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[2] Basalaev, A., Hertling, C.: 3-dimensional $F$-manifolds. Lett. Math. Phys. 111 (2021), Article ID 90, 50 pages. DOI 10.1007/s11005-021-01432-y | MR 4282746 | Zbl 1471.32040
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