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[1] C. Constantinescu: Harmonic spaces and their connections with the semi-elliptic differential equations and with the Markov processes. Ellipitsche Differentialgleichungen (Symposium), Akademie-Verlag, Berlin, 1969. Zbl 0177.14903
[2] C. Constantinescu, A. Cornea: Potential theory on harmonic spaces. Springer Verlag, Berlin, 1972. MR 0419799 | Zbl 0248.31011
[3] E. G. Effros, J. L. Kazdan: Applications of Choquet simplexes to elliptic and parabolic boundary value problems. J. Diff. Equations, 8 (1970), 95-134. MR 0259577 | Zbl 0255.46018
[4] I. Netuka: Poznámka o semiregulárních množlnách. Čas. pěst. mat. 98 (1973), 419-421. MR 0340632
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