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Title: Some problems and lines of investigation in general topology (English)
Author: Arhangel'skii, Aleksander V.
Language: English
Journal: Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae
ISSN: 0010-2628 (print)
ISSN: 1213-7243 (online)
Volume: 29
Issue: 4
Year: 1988
Pages: 611-629
Category: math
MSC: 54-02
MSC: 54C05
MSC: 54C35
MSC: 54C40
MSC: 54D20
idZBL: Zbl 0676.54001
idMR: MR982780
Date available: 2008-06-05T21:35:26Z
Last updated: 2012-04-28
Stable URL:
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