34 Ordinary differential equations
34D08 Characteristic and Lyapunov exponents (4 articles)
Šremr, Jiří:
On Lyapunov stability/instability of equilibria of free damped pendulum with periodically oscillating suspension point.
Applications of Mathematics,
vol. 70
issue 1,
pp. 11-45
Sriraman, Ramalingam; Nedunchezhiyan, Asha:
Global stability of Clifford-valued Takagi-Sugeno fuzzy neural networks with time-varying delays and impulses.
vol. 58
issue 4,
pp. 498-521
Izobov, N. A.; Stepanovich, O. P.:
Oб инвариантности характеристических показателей линейных систем при экспоненциально убывающих возмущениях.
(Russian) [On the invariance of characteristic exponents of linear systems under exponentially decreasing perturbations].
Archivum Mathematicum,
vol. 26
issue 2,
pp. 107,108-114