94 Information and communication, circuits
94Axx Communication, information
94A12 Signal theory (characterization, reconstruction, etc.) (26 articles)
Li, Haifeng; Guo, Leiyan:
Theoretical analysis for $\ell _{1}$-$\ell _{2}$ minimization with partial support information.
Applications of Mathematics,
vol. 70
issue 1,
pp. 125-148
Ghobber, Saifallah:
A dispersion inequality in the Hankel setting.
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal,
vol. 68
issue 1,
pp. 227-241
Tichavský, Petr; Koldovský, Zbyněk:
Fast and accurate methods of independent component analysis: A survey.
vol. 47
issue 3,
pp. 426-438
Černý, Václav:
Unifying approach to observer-filter design.
vol. 45
issue 3,
pp. 445-457
Perfilieva, Irina:
Fuzzy transforms in image compression and fusion.
Acta Mathematica Universitatis Ostraviensis,
vol. 15
issue 1,
pp. 27-37
Feichtinger, H. G.; Pandey, S. S.:
Recovery of band-limited functions on locally compact Abelian groups from irregular samples.
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal,
vol. 53
issue 2,
pp. 249-264
Boche, Holger:
Vergleich der unterschiedlichen Gütemaße zur Bewertung von Auto- und Kreuzkorrelationsfunktionen.
(German) [Comparison of different quality criteria for the evaluation of auto- and crosscorrelation functions].
Acta Mathematica et Informatica Universitatis Ostraviensis,
vol. 9
issue 1,
pp. 15-31
Zhang, Quan G.; Georghiades, Costas N.:
An application of the expectation-maximization algorithm to interference rejection for direct-sequence spread-spectrum signals.
vol. 35
issue 1,
pp. [83]-91
Boche, Holger:
Konvergenzverhalten der konjugierten Shannonschen Abtastreihe.
(German) [Convergence behavior of the conjugate Shannon sampling series].
Acta Mathematica et Informatica Universitatis Ostraviensis,
vol. 5
issue 1,
pp. 13-26
Dukić, Miroslav L.; Dobrosavljević, Zoran S.:
The performance analysis of the adaptive two-stage DFB narrowband interference suppression filter in DSSS receiver.
vol. 33
issue 1,
pp. 51-60
Boche, Holger:
Über das Lokalisierungsprinzip bei mehrdimensionalen Shannonschen und konjugierten Shannonschen Abtastreihen.
(German) [On the localization principle for multi-dimensional Shannon and conjugate Shannon sampling series].
Acta Mathematica et Informatica Universitatis Ostraviensis,
vol. 5
issue 1,
pp. 27-37
Moser, Jan:
On gigantic density of zeros of some signals defined by prime numbers.
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal,
vol. 45
issue 1,
pp. 175-190
Nagy, Ivan; Kárný, Miroslav:
A view on filtering of continuous data signals.
vol. 28
issue 6,
pp. 494-505
Grimble, Mike J.:
Polynomial matrix solution to the discrete fixed-LAG smoothing problem.
vol. 27
issue 3,
pp. 190-201
Magyar, Andrej; Lacroix, Arild:
Digital signal processors.
vol. 26
issue 3,
pp. 206-220
Cappellini, Vito; Emiliani, Pier Luigi:
The present and future of signal processing.
vol. 26
issue 3,
pp. 191-205
Vajda, Igor:
About optimum signalling of information.
vol. 25
issue 3,
pp. 175-199
Šefl, Otakar; Vajda, Igor:
Spectrum-oriented source coding theory.
vol. 23
issue 6,
pp. 458-475
Štěpán, Jaromír:
A new method for the nonlinear approximation of signals. I. The optimal damping factor.
vol. 22
issue 5,
pp. 425-438
Štěpán, Jaromír:
A new method for the nonlinear approximation of signals. II. The convergence problem.
vol. 22
issue 6,
pp. 503-513
Vajda, Igor:
Estimation of probabilistic noise models based on filtration of sample noise sequences.
vol. 19
issue 1,
pp. 15-26
Prouza, Ludvík:
On a detection method for known finite sequences.
vol. 14
issue 6,
pp. (421)-428
Prouza, Ludvík:
Appendix to the article “On generalized linear discrete inversion filters”.
vol. 8
issue 3,
pp. (264)-267
Prouza, Ludvík:
On generalized linear discrete inversion filters.
vol. 8
issue 1,
pp. (30)-38
Maršík, Jaroslav:
Adaptive control with finite settling time.
vol. 3
issue 6,
pp. (600)-608
Vidinčev, Pane:
Identifikace lineárních soustav s násobnými póly.
(Czech) [Investigation of linear systems with lumped parameters].
vol. 1
issue 1,
pp. (37)-46