94 Information and communication, circuits
94Axx Communication, information
94A62 Authentication and secret sharing (4 articles)
Gürpınar, Emirhan:
Bounds on guessing numbers and secret sharing combining information theory methods.
vol. 60
issue 5,
pp. 553-575
Csirmaz, Laszlo:
Infinite probabilistic secret sharing.
vol. 59
issue 2,
pp. 179-197
Farràs, Oriol:
Secret sharing schemes for ports of matroids of rank 3.
vol. 56
issue 5,
pp. 903-915
Lynnyk, Volodymyr; Čelikovský, Sergej:
On the anti–synchronization detection for the generalized Lorenz system and its applications to secure encryption.
vol. 46
issue 1,
pp. 1-18