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Title: Surface integral and Gauss-Ostrogradskij theorem from the viewpoint of applications (English)
Author: Ženíšek, Alexander
Language: English
Journal: Applications of Mathematics
ISSN: 0862-7940 (print)
ISSN: 1572-9109 (online)
Volume: 44
Issue: 3
Year: 1999
Pages: 169-241
Summary lang: English
Category: math
Summary: Making use of a surface integral defined without use of the partition of unity, trace theorems and the Gauss-Ostrogradskij theorem are proved in the case of three-dimensional domains $\Omega$ with a Lipschitz-continuous boundary for functions belonging to the Sobolev spaces $H^{1,p}()$ $(1\le p<)$. The paper is a generalization of the previous author’s paper which is devoted to the line integral. (English)
Keyword: variational problems
Keyword: surface integral
Keyword: trace theorems
Keyword: Gauss-Ostrogradskij theorem
MSC: 35J20
MSC: 46E35
MSC: 65N99
idZBL: Zbl 1060.46511
idMR: MR1688569
DOI: 10.1023/A:1023097018446
Date available: 2009-09-22T18:00:31Z
Last updated: 2020-07-02
Stable URL:
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