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Title: Vliv frekvence splátek spotřebitelských úvěrů na ukazatel roční procentní sazby nákladů - RPSN (Czech)
Title: The influence of the frequency of consumer credit instalments on the annual percentage rate, APR (English)
Author: Marková, Jana
Language: Czech
Journal: Učitel matematiky
ISSN: 1210-9037
Volume: 24
Issue: 1
Year: 2016
Pages: 46-57
Summary lang: English
Category: math
Summary: The article focuses on the analysis of APR, annual percentage rate, from the point of view of the frequency of instalments. It is an idicator which shows real expenses connected to consumer credits which also takes into account time value of money. Nevertheless, it is not always the main criterion when deciding which loan to take. Clients usually decide according to the size of instalments and lending rate only. The article also includes the comparison of the rate, the coefficient of increase and the indicator of APR. Moreover, the attentions is paid to the problem of short-terms loans. The goal of the article is to contribute to the development of financial literacy of Czech consumers which is considered to be the main reason for the undesirable increase of the indebtedness of households and to highlight matters which the credit applicant should take into account. (English)
MSC: 91B28
MSC: 91Bxx
Date available: 2022-02-21T14:00:45Z
Last updated: 2022-02-21
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Reference: [1] Dvořák, P.: Bankovnictví pro bankéře a klienty.(2005). 3. vyd. Praha: Linde. ISBN 80-7201-515-X.
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Reference: [4] : Zákon č. 145/2010 Sb. o spotřebitelském úvěru a o změně některých zákonů.
Reference: [5] : Zákon č. 40/2009 Sb., trestní zákoník..
Reference: [6] :
Reference: [7] :


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