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Webový editor Overleaf umožňuje pohodlné písanie dokumentov pomocou LaTeXu. Veľkou výhodou Overleafu je, že umožňuje spoluprácu viacerých používateľov v reálnom čase. V tomto článku popíšeme postup inštalácie bezplatnej verzie Overleaf Community Edition na vlastné zariadenie a porovnáme ho s platenou verziou Overleaf Professional.
The Overleaf web editor enables convenient writing of documents using LaTeX. A significant advantage of Overleaf is that it enables collaboration among multiple users in real-time. In this article, we describe the process of installing the free version of Overleaf Community Edition on your own device and compare it with the paid version of Overleaf Professional.
[1] Novotný, Vít: Overleaf, Collaborative Online LaTeX Editor. Dostupné z DOI: 10.5300/2021-1-4/3. DOI 10.5300/2021-1-4/3
[2] Stack Exchange: TeX – LaTeX Stack Exchange. [online]. [cit. 2024-04-08]. Dostupné z:
[3] Overleaf team: Overleaf github page. [online]. [cit. 2024-02-26]. Dostupné z:
[4] TeX Users Group: TeX Live. [online]. [cit. 2024-02-26]. Dostupné z:
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