Goerisch, Friedrich; Albrecht, Julius: The convergence of a new method for calculating lower bounds to eigenvalues.
Vosmanský, Jaromír
and Zlámal, Miloš (eds.): Equadiff 6.
Proceedings of the International Conference on Differential Equations and Their Applications held in Brno, Czechoslovakia, Aug. 26 - 30, 1985.
J. E. Purkyně University, Department of Mathematics, Brno, 1986.
pp. [303]-308
Goerisch, Friedrich; Albrecht, Julius: Untere Schranken für die Eigenwerte Stekloffscher Eigenwertaufgaben.
(German) [Lower bounds for the eigenvalues of Steklov eigenvalue problems].
Greguš, Michal (ed.): Equadiff 5.
Proceedings of the Fifth Czechoslovak Conference on Differential Equations and Their Applications held in Bratislava, August 24-28, 1981.
BSB B.G. Teubner Verlagsgesellschaft, Leipzig, 1982.
pp. 9-13