15 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory
15.00 General (7 articles)
Schwarz, Štefan:
On a sharp estimation in the theory of binary relations on a finite set.
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal,
vol. 20
issue 4,
pp. 703-714
Vanžura, Jiří:
Remark on involutive subspaces and regular bases.
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal,
vol. 19
issue 3,
pp. 515-517
Kim, Jin Bai:
On singular matrices.
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal,
vol. 18
issue 2,
pp. 274-277
Drbohlav, Karel:
О минимуме одной линейной формы.
(Russian) [On the minimum of a certain linear form].
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal,
vol. 8
issue 2,
pp. 190-196
Pták, Vlastimil; Sedláček, Jiří:
Об индексе импримитивности неотрицательных матриц.
(Russian) [On the index of imprimitivity of nonnegative matrices].
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal,
vol. 8
issue 4,
pp. 496-501
Pták, Vlastimil:
Об одной комбинаторной теореме и ее применении к неотрицательным матрицам.
(Russian) [On a combinatorial theorem and its application to nonnegative matrices].
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal,
vol. 8
issue 4,
pp. 487-495
Fiedler, Miroslav:
O některých vlastnostech hermiteovských matic.
(Czech) [On Some Properties of Hermitian Matrices].
Matematicko-fyzikálny časopis,
vol. 7
issue 3,
pp. 168-176