Švec, Alois:
Sur la géométrie différentielle projective des surfaces réglées.
Acta Universitatis Carolinae. Mathematica,
vol. 1
issue 3,
pp. 141-159
Urban, Alois:
Théorème fondamental de la théorie du contact des courbes.
(French) [Fundamental theorem of the theory of the curves contact].
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal,
vol. 7
issue 2,
pp. 273-294
Švec, Alois:
Déformations projectives des surfaces à réseau conjugué dans $S_5$.
(French) [Projective deformations of surfaces with a conjugate net in $S_5$].
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal,
vol. 6
issue 1,
pp. 118-124
Zezula, Jaromír:
Metrická charakterisace zborcené plochy s fleknodální čarou nevlastní.
Matematicko-fyzikálny časopis,
vol. 6
issue 4,
pp. 205-207
Vyčichlo, F.:
O dvojicích ploch se společnými diferenciálními invarianty.
(Czech) [On Pairs of Surfaces with Common Differential Invariants].
Matematicko-fyzikálny časopis,
vol. 6
issue 2,
pp. 85-97
Nádeník, Zbyněk:
O jedné kinematické vlastnosti prostorových křivek.
Matematicko-fyzikálny časopis,
vol. 6
issue 3,
pp. 159-168
Švec, Alois:
Problèmes d'existence de la déformation projective des surfaces de $S_5$ possédant un réseau conjugué.
(French) [Existence problems for the projective deformation of surfaces in $S_5$ possessing a net].
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal,
vol. 6
issue 1,
pp. 125-138
Švec, Alois:
Quelques problèmes de la géométrie différentielle affine et projective des correspondances entre les surfaces.
(French) [Some problems of affine and projective differential geometry of correspondences between surfaces].
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal,
vol. 6
issue 2,
pp. 177-189
Hanic, F.; Maďar, J.:
Röntgenová difrakčná komôrka na fotografickú registráciu nedeformovaného obrazu reciprokej mriežky.
Matematicko-fyzikálny časopis,
vol. 6
issue 1,
pp. 21-29
Marcus, Froim:
Sur les surfaces de troisième espèce de Terracini.
(French) [On Terracini surfaces of the third kind].
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal,
vol. 6
issue 4,
pp. 559-562
Čech, Eduard:
Transformations développables des congruences des droites.
(French) [Developable transformations of line congruences].
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal,
vol. 6
issue 2,
pp. 260-286
Alda, Václav:
Изометрические преобразования семейства гиперповерхностей.
(Russian) [Isometric transforms of a system of hypersurfaces].
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal,
vol. 6
issue 2,
pp. 195-211
Vekua, Ilja Nestorovich:
О некоторых условиях жесткости поверхностей положительной кривизны.
(Russian) [On certain conditions of non-deformability of surfaces with positive curvature].
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal,
vol. 6
issue 2,
pp. 143-160
Švec, Alois:
Déformation projective des congruences de droites dans $S_n$.
(French) [A projective deformation of line congruences in $S_n$].
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal,
vol. 5
issue 4,
pp. 546-558
Švec, Alois:
Déformations projectives de certaines surfaces a réseau conjugué.
(French) [Projective deformations of certain surfaces with a conjugate net].
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal,
vol. 5
issue 4,
pp. 559-572
Muracchini, Luigi:
Sulla applicabilità proiettiva delle superficie negli spazi a connessione proiettiva a tre dimensioni.
(Italian) [On projective applicability of surfaces in three-dimensional projectively connected spaces].
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal,
vol. 5
issue 2,
pp. 274-288
Švec, Alois:
Sur la déformation projective des surfaces réglées.
(French) [On a projective deformation of ruled surfaces].
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal,
vol. 5
issue 3,
pp. 355-361
Čech, Eduard:
О точечных изгибаниях конгруэнции прямых.
(Russian) [Point deformation of line congruences].
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal,
vol. 5
issue 2,
pp. 234-273
Nádeník, Zbyněk:
Поверхности, аналогичные кривым Бертрана.
(Russian) [The surfaces analogous to Bertrand's curves].
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal,
vol. 5
issue 2,
pp. 194-219
Vrănceanu, Gheorghe:
Sur les espaces à connexion affine partiellement projectifs.
(French) [On spaces with partially projective affine connections].
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal,
vol. 4
issue 3,
pp. 283-286
Čech, Eduard:
Проективная дифференциальная геометрия соответствий между двумя пространствами. VIII.
(Russian) [Projective differential geometry of correspondences between two spaces. VIII].
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal,
vol. 4
issue 2,
pp. 143-174
Vyčichlo, F.:
O některých projektivních invariantech plochy.
(Czech) [On Certain Projective Invariant Planes].
Matematicko-fyzikálny časopis,
vol. 3
issue 1,
pp. 41-47
Čech, Eduard:
Проективная дифференциальная геометрия соответствий между двумя пространствами. VII.
(Russian) [Projective differential geometry of correspondences between two spaces. VII].
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal,
vol. 3
issue 2,
pp. 123-137
Nádeník, Zbyněk:
Кривые Бертрана в пятимерном пространстве.
(Russian) [Bertrand curves in five-dimensional space].
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal,
vol. 2
issue 1,
pp. 57-87
Čech, Eduard:
Проективная дифференциальная геометрия между двумя пространствами. IV.
(Russian) [Projective differential geometry of correspondences between two spaces. IV].
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal,
vol. 2
issue 2,
pp. 149-166
Čech, Eduard:
Проективная дифференциальная геометрия соответствий между двумя пространствами. I.
(Russian) [Projective differential geometry of correspondences between two spaces. I].
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal,
vol. 2
issue 2,
pp. 91-107
Čech, Eduard:
Проективная дифференциальная геометрия соответствий между двумя пространствами. II.
(Russian) [Projective differential geometry of correspondences between two spaces. II].
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal,
vol. 2
issue 2,
pp. 109-123
Čech, Eduard:
Проективная дифференциальная геометрия соответствий между двумя пространствами. III.
(Russian) [Projective differential geometry of correspondences between two spaces. III].
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal,
vol. 2
issue 2,
pp. 125-148
Čech, Eduard:
Проективная дифференциальная геометрия соответствий между двумя пространствами. VI.
(Russian) [Projective differential geometry of correspondences between two spaces. VI].
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal,
vol. 2
issue 4,
pp. 297-331
Čech, Eduard:
Проективная дифференциальная геометрия соответствий между двумя пространтсвами. V.
(Russian) [Projective differential geometry of correspondences between two spaces. V].
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal,
vol. 2
issue 2,
pp. 167-188
Nožička, František:
La connexion et la normale de l'hypersurface dans l'espace riemannien du point de vue de la géométrie affine.
(French) [The connection and the normal to a hypersurface in the riemannian space from the point of affine geometry].
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal,
vol. 1
issue 1,
pp. 17-28
Zahorski, Zygmunt:
Sur les courbes dont la tangente prend sur tout arc partiel toutes les directions.
(French) [On the curves having tangents of all directions on any subarc].
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal,
vol. 1
issue 3,
pp. 105-117
Havlíček, Karel:
Surfaces réglées qui sont enveloppes de sphères.
(French) [Ruled surfaces which are envelopes of spheres].
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal,
vol. 1
issue 3,
pp. (187)-197
Čech, Eduard:
Géométrie projective différentielle des correspondances entre deux espaces. II.
(French) [Projective differential geometry of correspondences between two spaces. II].
Časopis pro pěstování matematiky a fysiky,
vol. 75
issue 3,
pp. 123-136
Čech, Eduard:
Géométrie projective différentielle des correspondances entre deux espaces. III.
(French) [Projective differential geometry of correspondences between two spaces. III].
Časopis pro pěstování matematiky a fysiky,
vol. 75
issue 3,
pp. 137-158
Čech, Eduard:
Geometrie projective differentielle des correspondances entre deux espaces. I.
(French) [Projective differential geometry of correspondences between two spaces. I].
Časopis pro pěstování matematiky a fysiky,
vol. 74
issue 2,
pp. 32-48
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