53.23 Differential line geometry (16 articles)
Svoboda, Karel:
Sur la bidéformation projective des congruences de droites.
(French) [On a projective bideformation of line congruences].
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal,
vol. 20
issue 2,
pp. 327
Svoboda, Karel:
Sur la déformation projective des systèmes osculateurs d'une congruence de droites.
(French) [On the projective deformation of osculating systems of a line congruence].
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal,
vol. 20
issue 2,
pp. 315-326
Vala, Josef:
Über einige spezielle Kongruenzenpaare.
(German) [On some special couples of congruences].
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal,
vol. 20
issue 1,
pp. 140-148
Jůza, Miloslav:
Systèmes monoparamétriques des espaces projectifs.
(French) [Monoparametric systems of projective spaces].
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal,
vol. 19
issue 2,
pp. 363-367
Hejný, Milan:
Многообразие $\Cal V_3\subset \bold P_5$ и его применение к изучению комплекса прямых $\bold P_3$.
(Russian) [A variety $\Cal V_3\subset \bold P_5$ and its application to the investigation of a line complex of $\bold P_3$].
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal,
vol. 18
issue 4,
pp. 633-665
Havel, Václav:
Konjugierte Netze axialer und axial-radialer Art bezüglich einer Kongruenz kanonischer Geraden festen Indexes.
Matematicko-fyzikálny časopis,
vol. 16
issue 1,
pp. 3-9
Horák, Vladimír:
Contribution à la déformation projective des congruences de droites.
(French) [A contribution to a projective deformation of line congruences].
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal,
vol. 15
issue 2,
pp. 179-204
Stanilov, Grozó:
Биаксиальная теория конгруэнции прямых.
(Russian) [The bi-axial theory of a congruence of lines].
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal,
vol. 15
issue 1,
pp. 64-73
Horák, Vladimír:
Les complexes linéaires tangents des congruences de droites.
(French) [Linear tangent complexes of line congruences].
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal,
vol. 13
issue 2,
pp. 166-188
Švec, Alois:
Sur la géométrie différentielle des réseaux conjugués dans $E\sb n$.
(French) [On the differential geometry of the conjugated nets in $E\sb n$].
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal,
vol. 13
issue 4,
pp. 539-550
Stanilov, Grozó:
К биaкcиaльнoй тeopии кoнгpуэнции пpямыx.
(Russian) [On the bi-axial theory of a congruence of lines].
Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae,
vol. 4
issue 3,
pp. 117-120
Marcus, Froim:
Sur un problème de E. Čech.
(French) [On a problem of E. Čech].
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal,
vol. 9
issue 1,
pp. 154-157
Horák, Vladimír:
Theorie der Torsen des Kleinschen fünfdimensionalen projektiven Raumes und ihre Applikation auf Segresche $W$-Kongruenzen des dreidimensionalen projektiven Raumes.
(German) [Theorie of torsion of five-dimensional Klein's projective spaces and its application to Segre's $W$-congruences of three-dimmensional projective spaces].
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal,
vol. 9
issue 4,
pp. 590-628
Švec, Alois:
Congruences de droites dans $E_n$.
(French) [Line congruences in $E_n$].
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal,
vol. 8
issue 4,
pp. 552-562
Švec, Alois:
Géométrie intrinsèque des congruences de droites et leurs déformations projectives.
(French) [Intrinsic geometry of line congruences and their projective deformations].
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal,
vol. 8
issue 3,
pp. 395,396-397,398
Švec, Alois:
Remarque sur les droites canoniques d'une surface.
(French) [Remark on canonic lines of a surface].
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal,
vol. 8
issue 3,
pp. 389-394
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