90 Operations research, mathematical programming
90C09 Boolean programming (3 articles)
Antamoshkin, A. N.; Saraev, V. N.; Semenkin, E. S.:
Optimization of unimodal monotone pseudoboolean functions.
vol. 26
issue 5,
pp. 432-442
Jajou, Amer F.; Zimmermann, Karel:
Max-separable equations and the set covering.
Acta Universitatis Carolinae. Mathematica et Physica,
vol. 30
issue 1,
pp. 13-21
Dvořák, Václav:
Univerzální logické funkce a syntéza booleovských funkcí pomocí univerzálních modulů.
(Czech) [General-purpose Boolean functions and synthesis of Boolean functions by means of general-purpose modules].
vol. 4
issue 2,
pp. (93)-104