92 Biology and other natural sciences
92Bxx Mathematical biology in general
92B99 None of the above, but in this section (2 articles)
Leszczyński, Henryk; Zwierkowski, Piotr:
The Rothe method for the McKendrick-von Foerster equation.
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal,
vol. 63
issue 3,
pp. 589-602
Cvrčková, Fatima:
Jak se čtou genomy: bioinformatika jakožto obor na pomezí biologie a exaktních věd.
(Czech) [How to read genoms: bioinformatics as a field on the borderland of biology and exact sciences].
Pokroky matematiky, fyziky a astronomie,
vol. 51
issue 4,
pp. 288-300