Author: Šalát, Tibor
Šalát, Tibor:
On uniform distribution of sequences $(a_n x)_1^\infty$.
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal,
vol. 50
issue 2,
pp. 331-340
Šalát, Tibor:
Remarks on Steinhaus’ property and ratio sets of sets of positive integers.
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal,
vol. 50
issue 1,
pp. 175-183
Šalát, Tibor:
On exponents of convergence of subsequences.
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal,
vol. 34
issue 3,
pp. 362-370
Narkiewicz, Władysław; Šalát, Tibor:
A theorem of H. Steinhaus and $(R)$-dense sets of positive integers.
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal,
vol. 34
issue 3,
pp. 355-361
Šalát, Tibor:
On convergence fields of regular matrix transformations.
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal,
vol. 26
issue 4,
pp. 613-627
Šalát, Tibor:
Bemerkung über die Verteilung von Ziffern in Cantorschen Reihen.
(German) [A remark on distribution of digits in Cantor series].
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal,
vol. 23
issue 3,
pp. 497-499
Lipiński, Jan Stanisław; Šalát, Tibor:
On the points of quasicontinuity and cliquishness of functions.
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal,
vol. 21
issue 3,
pp. 484-489
Šalát, Tibor:
Zu einigen Fragen der Gleichverteilung (mod 1).
(German) [On some questions of the uniform distribution (mod 1)].
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal,
vol. 18
issue 3,
pp. 476-488
Šalát, Tibor:
Zur metrischen Theorie der Lürothschen Entwicklungen der reellen Zahlen.
(German) [On the metric theory of the Lüroth expansions of real numbers].
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal,
vol. 18
issue 3,
pp. 489-522
Šalát, Tibor:
Über die Cantorschen Reihen.
(German) [On the Cantor series].
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal,
vol. 18
issue 1,
pp. 25-56
Šalát, Tibor:
Über die Hausdorffsche Dimension der Menge der Zahlen mit beschränkten Folgen von Ziffern in Cantorschen Entwicklungen.
(German) [On the Hausdorff dimension of the set of numbers with bounded sequences of digits in the Cantor expansion].
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal,
vol. 15
issue 4,
pp. 540-553
Šalát, Tibor:
Eine metrische Eigenschaft der Cantorschen Entwicklungen der reellen Zahlen und Irrationalitätskriterien.
(German) [A metric property of the Cantor expansions of real numbers and criteria for irrationality].
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal,
vol. 14
issue 2,
pp. 254-266
Šalát, Tibor:
О мере Хаусдорфа линейных множеств.
(Russian) [Hausdorff measure of linear sets].
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal,
vol. 11
issue 1,
pp. 24-56
Šalát, Tibor:
Absolut konvergente Reihen und das Hausdorffsche Mass.
(German) [Absolutely convergent series and Hausdorff measure].
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal,
vol. 9
issue 3,
pp. 372-389
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