Author: Hlaváček, Miroslav
Hlaváček, Miroslav:
Uniqueness of the solution of the boundary-initial value problem for a linear elastic Cosserat continuum.
Aplikace matematiky,
vol. 16
issue 6,
pp. 402-411
Hlaváček, Miroslav:
Linear viscoelasticity with couple-stresses.
Aplikace matematiky,
vol. 14
issue 6,
pp. 475-496
Hlaváček, Ivan; Hlaváček, Miroslav:
On the existence and uniqueness of solution and some variational principles in linear theories of elasticity with couple-stresses. I: Cosserat continuum.
Aplikace matematiky,
vol. 14
issue 5,
pp. 387-410
Hlaváček, Ivan; Hlaváček, Miroslav:
On the existence and uniqueness of solution and some variational principles in linear theories of elasticity with couple-stresses. II. Mindlin's elasticity with microstructure and the first strain-gradient theory.
Aplikace matematiky,
vol. 14
issue 5,
pp. 411-427
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