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[1] Á. Császár: Fondements de la Topologie Générale. (Paris, 1960); or see later (revised) German and English editions with similar titles. MR 0113205
[2] Á. Császár: Completion et compactification d'espaces syntopogènes. (Proceedings of Symposium on General Topology and its Relations to Modern Analysis and Algebra, Praha 1961).
[3] F. Fletcher, S. A. Naimpally: On almost complete and almost precompact quasi-uniform spaces. Czech. Math. Journ. 21 (1971), 383-390. MR 0287504 | Zbl 0218.54019
[4] M. Katětov: Über H-abgeschlossene und bikompakte Räume. Čas. pěst. mat. 69 (1940), 36-49. MR 0001912
[5] S. A. Naimpally, B. D. Warrack: Proximity spaces. Cambridge Tracts in Mathematics and Mathematical Physics, Cambridge, 1970. MR 0278261 | Zbl 0206.24601
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