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Title: Uniqueness of the solution of the boundary-initial value problem for a linear elastic Cosserat continuum (English)
Author: Hlaváček, Miroslav
Language: English
Journal: Aplikace matematiky
ISSN: 0373-6725
Volume: 16
Issue: 6
Year: 1971
Pages: 402-411
Summary lang: English
Summary lang: Czech
Category: math
Summary: The paper presents the proofs of two theorems of uniqueness of the solution of the mixed boundary-initial value problem for elastic Cosserat continuum. The first of the theorems deals with an anisotropic material and is deduced for bounded regions. Except for certain symmetry no restrictive assumptions are imposed on the anisotropy tensors. The second theorem concerns an isotropic material and is formulated for a certain class of unbounded regions. In addition to the inequalities that are necessary and sufficient for positive definitness of the strain energy density, two other restrictive inequalities must be assumed for the material constants. ()
MSC: 74B99
MSC: 74G30
MSC: 74H25
MSC: 74H99
idZBL: Zbl 0229.73015
idMR: MR0297188
DOI: 10.21136/AM.1971.103375
Date available: 2008-05-20T17:51:58Z
Last updated: 2020-07-28
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