Author: Hustý, Zdeněk
Hustý, Zdeněk:
Asymptotische Eigenschaften der Differentialgleichung $y'' + 2a\sb1(x)y' + a\sb2(x)y = 0$.
(German) [Asymptotic properties of the differential equation $y''+2a\sb1(x)y'+a\sb2(x)y=0$].
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal,
vol. 19
issue 2,
pp. 208-240
Hustý, Zdeněk:
Asymptotische Eigenschaften perturbierter iterierter Differentialgleichungen.
(German) [Asymptotic properties of perturbed iterated differential equations].
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal,
vol. 19
issue 4,
pp. 723-737
Hustý, Zdeněk:
Beitrag zu einem Satz von Ráb.
(German) [A contribution to a theorem by Ráb].
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal,
vol. 19
issue 4,
pp. 716-722
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