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Title: To the generation of two-dimensional probabilistic images and the determination of their statistical characteristics (English)
Title: Ke generování dvojrozměrných pravděpodobnostních obrazců a určení jejich statistických charakteristik (Czech)
Author: Božkov, Valerij
Author: Radil-Weiss, Tomáš
Language: English
Journal: Kybernetika
ISSN: 0023-5954
Volume: 7
Issue: 4
Year: 1971
Pages: (269)-288
Summary lang: Czech
Category: math
MSC: 62P99
idMR: MR0303673
Date available: 2009-09-24T16:19:01Z
Last updated: 2012-06-04
Stable URL:
Reference: [1] V. Božkov T. Radil-Weiss (with the technical collaboration of J. Kolář): To the information content of two-dimensional probabilistic figures.Biokybernetik (Band III). G. Fischer Verlag, Jena 1971, 278-285.
Reference: [2] W. Feller: An introduction to probability theory and its applications.(Vol. I). John Viley, New York 1952.
Reference: [3] B. Д. Глeзep И. И. Пyккepмaн: Инфopмaция и зpeниe.Изд. Aк. Hayк CCCP, Mocквa 1961.
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Reference: [5] B. Julesz: Visual patteгn discrimination.Trans. IRE T-8 (1962), 2.
Reference: [6] Д. C. Лeбeдeв: Cтaтиcтичecкaя мoдeль изoбpaжeния. Пpocтpaнcтвeннaя фильтpaция изoбpaжeний.Изд. Hayкa, Mocквa 1970, 53-65.
Reference: [7] Д. C. Лeбeдeв: Иccлeдoвaния вoзмoжнocтeй cтaтиcтичecкoгo кoдиpoвaния в тeлeвидeнии.Диccepтaция MЭИC, Mocквa 1958.
Reference: [8] R. M. Pickett: The perception of a visual texture.J. Exp. Psych. 68 (1964), 13-20.


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