(1)-10 | On the complexity of events recognizable in real time. Nekvinda, Miloslav |
(11)-29 | Programming means for simulation of logical networks. II. Kindler, Evžen |
(30)-41 | Linear nonstationary system with discrete-time input. Soukup, Václav |
(42)-61 | A review of the matrix Riccati equation. Kučera, Vladimír |
(62)-71 | Algorithms for solution of equations $PA+A^TP=-Q$ and $M^TPM-P=-Q$ resulting in Lyapunov stability analysis of linear systems. Štecha, Jan; Kozáčiková, Alena; Kozáčik, Jaroslav |
72-74 | Nové knihy. |
75-78 | Zprávy. |