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Title: О $\cal I$-подалгебрах в унарных алгебрах, о простых идеалах и $\cal I$-идеалах в группоидах и полугруппах (Russian)
Title: $\cal I$-subalgebras in unary algebras, prime ideals and ${\cal I}$-ideals in groupoids and in semigroups (English)
Title: Über $\cal I$-Teilalgebren in unären Algebren, über Primideale und $\cal I$-Ideale in Gruppoiden und Halbgruppen (German)
Author: Abrhan, Imrich
Language: Russian
Journal: Mathematica Slovaca
ISSN: 0139-9918
Volume: 28
Issue: 1
Year: 1978
Pages: 61-80
Category: math
MSC: 08A60
MSC: 20M12
idZBL: Zbl 0384.08004
idMR: MR527775
Date available: 2009-09-25T08:53:47Z
Last updated: 2012-07-31
Stable URL:
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