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almost-prime; arithmetic progression; linear sieve; Selberg's $\Lambda ^2$-sieve
Let $\mathcal P_{2}$ denote a positive integer with at most $2$ prime factors, counted according to multiplicity. For integers $a$, $q$ such that $(a,q)=1$, let $\mathcal P_{2}(q,a)$ denote the least $\mathcal P_{2}$ in the arithmetic progression $\{nq+a\}_{n=1}^{\infty }$. It is proved that for sufficiently large $q$, we have $$ \mathcal P_{2}(q,a)\ll q^{1.825}. $$ This result constitutes an improvement upon that of J. Li, M. Zhang and Y. Cai (2023), who obtained $\mathcal P_{2}(q,a)\ll q^{1.8345}.$
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