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Title: Two-sided a posteriori estimates of global and local errors for linear elliptic type boundary value problems (English)
Author: Hannukainen, Antti
Author: Korotov, Sergey
Language: English
Journal: Programs and Algorithms of Numerical Mathematics
Volume: Proceedings of Seminar. Prague, May 28-31, 2006
Issue: 2006
Pages: 92-103
Category: math
Summary: The paper is devoted to the problem of reliable control of accuracy of approximate solutions obtained in computer simulations. This task is strongly related to the so-called a posteriori error estimates, giving computable bounds for computational errors and detecting zones in the solution domain, where such errors are too large and certain mesh refinements should be performed. Mathematical model described by a linear elliptic (reaction-diffusion) equation with mixed boundary conditions is considered. We derive in a simple way two-sided (upper and lower) easily computable estimates for global (in terms of the energy norm) and local (in terms of linear functionals with local supports) control of the computational error, which is understood as the difference between the exact solution of the model and the approximation. Such two-sided estimates are completely independent of the numerical technique used to obtain approximations and can be made as close to the true errors as resources of a concrete computer used for computations allow. (English)
Keyword: a posteriori error estimation
Keyword: error control in energy norm
Keyword: error control in terms of linear functionals
Keyword: reaction-diffusion equation
Keyword: mixed boundary conditions
Date available: 2015-09-08T11:25:04Z
Last updated: 2023-06-05
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