94 Information and communication, circuits
94D05 Fuzzy sets and logic (in connection with questions of Section 94) (32 articles)
Liu, Zhi-qiang:
Characterization of the order induced by uninorm with the underlying drastic product or drastic sum.
vol. 60
issue 6,
pp. 723-739
Bejines, Carlos:
Aggregation of fuzzy vector spaces.
vol. 59
issue 5,
pp. 752-767
Çayli, Gül Deniz:
A characterization of uninorms on bounded lattices via closure and interior operators.
vol. 59
issue 5,
pp. 768-790
Zimmermann, Karel:
Combination of t-norms and their conorms.
vol. 59
issue 4,
pp. 527-536
Li-Jun, Ying; Feng, Qin:
Migrativity properties of 2-uninorms over semi-t-operators.
vol. 58
issue 3,
pp. 354-375
Tang, Yiming; Wu, Wenbin; Zhang, Youcheng; Pedrycz, Witold; Ren, Fuji; Liu, Jun:
Symmetric implicational restriction method of fuzzy inference.
vol. 57
issue 4,
pp. 688-713
Tang, Yiming; Pedrycz, Witold:
On continuity of the entropy-based differently implicational algorithm.
vol. 55
issue 2,
pp. 307-336
Çaylı, Gül Deniz:
Some methods to obtain t-norms and t-conorms on bounded lattices.
vol. 55
issue 2,
pp. 273-294
Georgescu, Irina:
Risk aversion, prudence and mixed optimal saving models.
vol. 50
issue 5,
pp. 706-724
Mareš, Milan:
Entropies of vague information sources.
vol. 47
issue 3,
pp. 337-355
Mareš, Milan:
Information Measures and Uncertainty of Particular Symbols.
vol. 47
issue 1,
pp. 144-163
Lebedinska, Julija:
$T$-extension as a method of construction of a generalized aggregation operator.
vol. 46
issue 6,
pp. 1078-1097
Ruiz-Aguilera, Daniel; Torrens, Joan:
Distributivity of strong implications over conjunctive and disjunctive uninorms.
vol. 42
issue 3,
pp. 319-336
Mas, Margarita; Monserrat, Miquel; Torrens, Joan:
QL-implications versus D-implications.
vol. 42
issue 3,
pp. 351-366
Bodenhofer, Ulrich; Bauer, Peter:
Interpretability of linguistic variables: a formal account.
vol. 41
issue 2,
pp. [227]-248
Hooda, D. S.:
On generalized measures of fuzzy entropy.
Mathematica Slovaca,
vol. 54
issue 3,
pp. 315-325
Ruiz, Daniel; Torrens, Joan:
Residual implications and co-implications from idempotent uninorms.
vol. 40
issue 1,
pp. [21]-38
Mas, Margarita; Monserrat, Miquel; Torrens, Joan:
S-implications and $R$-implications on a finite chain.
vol. 40
issue 1,
pp. [3]-20
Kolesárová, Anna; Vivona, Doretta:
Entropy of $T$-sums and $T$-products of $L$-$R$ fuzzy numbers.
vol. 37
issue 2,
pp. [127]-145
Mareš, Milan:
Fuzzy zero, algebraic equivalence: yes or no?.
vol. 32
issue 4,
pp. 343-351
Markechová, Dagmar:
Entropy of complete fuzzy partitions.
Mathematica Slovaca,
vol. 43
issue 1,
pp. 1-10
Mareš, Milan:
Remarks on fuzzy quantities with finite support.
vol. 29
issue 2,
pp. 133-143
Ramer, Arthur:
Fuzzy information and combinatorial inequalities.
vol. 28
issue 7,
pp. 4-11
Wang, Gang:
Fuzzy sets and fusion of multisensor data.
vol. 28
issue 7,
pp. 103-106
Mareš, Milan:
Multiplication of fuzzy quantities.
vol. 28
issue 5,
pp. 337-356
Mareš, Milan:
Addition of rational fuzzy quantities: Convolutive approach.
vol. 25
issue 1,
pp. 1-11,12
Dutta Majumder, D.:
Fuzzy sets in pattern recognition, image analysis and automatic speech recognition.
Aplikace matematiky,
vol. 30
issue 4,
pp. 237-254
Novák, Vilém; Černý, Martin; Nekola, Jiří:
Fuzzy množiny - perspektivy, problémy a aplikace.
(Czech) [Fuzzy sets - perspectives, problems and applications].
Pokroky matematiky, fyziky a astronomie,
vol. 29
issue 3,
pp. 126-137
Spal, Jindřich:
Fundamentals of a mathematical theory of fuzzy sets.
Aplikace matematiky,
vol. 27
issue 5,
pp. 326-340
Warner, M. W.:
Integral nets and fuzzy relations in deterministic automata.
vol. 18
issue 1,
pp. 22-30
Bek, Roman; Pokorný, Zdeněk; Růžička, Milan:
Large variable systems of higher degrees in fuzzification process. Fuzzification of systems for technical and medical practice. II.
vol. 18
issue 5,
pp. 447-454
Bek, Roman; Pokorný, Zdeněk; Růžička, Milan:
Principal concepts of systems fuzzification. Fuzzification of systems for technical and medical practice. I.
vol. 18
issue 3,
pp. 234-246