Trojúhelníky a posloupnosti (2)
Trojúhelník z těžnic daného trojúhelníka
Trojúhelník z výšek daného trojúhelníka
Tropical probability theory and an application to the entropic cone
Trudinger's inequality for double phase functionals with variable exponents
True preimages of compact or separable sets for functional analysts
TrueType fonty, TeX a čeština
TrueType-fonty v TeXu
Truncatable primes and unavoidable sets of divisors
Truncated spectral regularization for an ill-posed non-linear parabolic problem
Truncations of Gauss' square exponent theorem
The Truth About Numerology
“Try to be really good in two fields” (Miroslav Fiedler interviewed by Jeff Stuart)
$T$-semisymmetric spaces and concircular vector fields
Tube-MPC for a class of uncertain continuous nonlinear systems with application to surge problem
TUG 2000: Call for papers
TUG 2002 Annual Meeting and Conference September 1-7, Trivandrum, India
TUG 2008 Call for Papers
TUG 2009
TUGboat 17 (1) March 1996
TUGboat 17 (4) December 1996
TUGboat 18(2), June 1997
TUGboat 18(3), September 1997
TUGboat 18(4), December 1997
TUGboat 18910, March 1997
TUGboat 19(1), Marchi 1998
TUGboat 19(2), June 1998
TUGboat 19(3), September 1998
TUGboat 19(4), December 1998
TUGboat 20(1), March 1999