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Title: Sur la partie d'une hypersurface, où le tenseur asymptotique est du type hyperbolique normal (French)
Title: On a part of a hypersurface, where the asymptotic tensor is of normal hyperbolic type (English)
Author: Vaisman, Izu
Language: French
Journal: Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal
ISSN: 0011-4642 (print)
ISSN: 1572-9141 (online)
Volume: 19
Issue: 4
Year: 1969
Pages: 750-757
Category: math
MSC: 53.01
idZBL: Zbl 0187.43104
idMR: MR0250203
DOI: 10.21136/CMJ.1969.100935
Date available: 2008-06-09T13:44:35Z
Last updated: 2020-07-28
Stable URL:
Reference: [1] Cattaneo Gasparini L: Alcune considerazioni globali su una varietà compatta a metrica indefinita.Atti Acad. Lincei, XL (1966), p. 804-811. Zbl 0142.19302, MR 0212751
Reference: [21 Legrand G.: Étude d'une généralisation des structures presque-complexes sur les variétés différentiables.Rend. Cire. Mat. di Palermo, 7 (1958), p. 323-354, 8 (1959), p. 5-48. MR 0158345
Reference: [3] Schonten J. A.: Ricci Calculus.Springer Verlag, Berlin, 1954.


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