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Title: Generalized Kronrod Patterson type imbedded quadratures (English)
Author: Elhay, Sylvan
Author: Kautsky, Jaroslav
Language: English
Journal: Applications of Mathematics
ISSN: 0862-7940 (print)
ISSN: 1572-9109 (online)
Volume: 37
Issue: 2
Year: 1992
Pages: 81-103
Summary lang: English
Category: math
Summary: We present algorithms for the determination of polynomials orthogonal with respect to a positive weight function multiplied by a polynomial with simple roots inside the interval of integration. We apply these algorithms to search for and calculate all possible sequences of imbedded quadratures of maximal polynomials order of precision for the generalized Laguerre and Hermite weight functions. (English)
Keyword: Gaussian quadrature
Keyword: orthogonal polynomials
Keyword: Kronrod extensions
Keyword: Patterson sequences
Keyword: imbedded quadratures
Keyword: Laguerre weight function
Keyword: Hermite weight function
Keyword: quadrature formulae
Keyword: maximal polynomial order of precision
MSC: 41A55
MSC: 65D30
MSC: 65D32
MSC: 65F15
idZBL: Zbl 0754.65025
idMR: MR1149160
DOI: 10.21136/AM.1992.104494
Date available: 2008-05-20T18:43:10Z
Last updated: 2020-07-28
Stable URL:
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