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Title: On homeomorphic topologies and equivalent set-systems (English)
Author: Chvalina, Jan
Language: English
Journal: Archivum Mathematicum
ISSN: 0044-8753 (print)
ISSN: 1212-5059 (online)
Volume: 12
Issue: 2
Year: 1976
Pages: 107-115
Category: math
MSC: 54A05
idZBL: Zbl 0349.54002
idMR: MR0438267
Date available: 2008-06-06T06:02:09Z
Last updated: 2012-05-09
Stable URL:
Reference: [1] E. Čech: Topological spaces.Topological papers of Eduard Čech, Academia, Prague 1968, 436-472.
Reference: [2] E. Čech: Topological spaces.Academia, Prague 1966. MR 0211373
Reference: [3] J. Chvalina: On the number of general topologies on a finite set.Scripta Fac. Sci. Nat. UJEP Brno, Math. I 3 (1973), 7-22. Zbl 0294.54003, MR 0363926
Reference: [4] J. Chvalina, M. Sekanina: Realizations of closure spaces by set-systems.Proceedings of the 3rd Prague Topological Symposium, Prague 1972, 85-87. Zbl 0335.54001, MR 0355942
Reference: [5] K. Kuratowski: Topologie I.Warszawa 1957. MR 0094781
Reference: [6] F. Neuman, M. Sekanina: Equivalent systems of sets and homeomorphic topologies.Czechoslovak Math. Journ. 15 (90) (1965), 323-328. Zbl 0139.40103, MR 0179087
Reference: [7] M. Sekanina: Cucmeмы monoлoгuй na дaннoм мнoжecmвe.Чexocлoв. Maт. журнал, 15 (90) (1965), 9-29. MR 0184193


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