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[4] C. Berge: Théorie des graphes et ses applications. Dunod, Paris (1958). MR 0102822
[5] J. Sedláček: O incidenčních maticích orientovaných grafů. Časopis pro pӗstování matematiky 84 (1959), З0З-З16.
[6] F. Harary: A graph theoгetic method for the complete reduction of a matrix with a view toward finding its eigenvalues. Јournal of Mathematics and Physics 38 (1959), 104-111. MR 0109793
[7] A. A. Зыкoв: Фyнкции oт гpaфoв, oпpeдeляeмыe линeйяыми ypaвнeниями. Извecтия Cибиpcкoгo oтдeлeния Aкaдeмии нayк CCCP, 5, (1959), З-19.
[8] J. Dénes: The representations of a permutation as the product of a minimal number of transpositions, and its connection with the theory of graphs. A magyar tudományos akadémia matematikai kutató intézetének Közleményei 4 (1959), 63-71. MR 0115936
[9] M. Marcus: Some properties and applications of doubly stochastic matгices. The American Mathematical Monthly 67 (1960), 215-221. MR 0118732
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