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Title: A theorem on nonexistence of a certain type of nearly regular cell-decompositions of the sphere (English)
Author: Horňák, Mirko
Language: English
Journal: Časopis pro pěstování matematiky
ISSN: 0528-2195
Volume: 103
Issue: 4
Year: 1978
Pages: 333-338
Category: math
MSC: 52Bxx
idZBL: Zbl 0432.52012
idMR: MR512229
DOI: 10.21136/CPM.1978.117991
Date available: 2009-09-23T08:56:02Z
Last updated: 2020-07-29
Stable URL:
Reference: [1 ] D. W. Crowe: Nearly regular polyhedra with two exceptional faces.Lecture Notes in Mathematics, 110 (1969), 63-76. Zbl 0185.48504, MR 0256928
Reference: [2] B. Grünbaum: Convex Polytopes.Interscience 1967. MR 0226496
Reference: [3] M. Horňák, E. Jucovič. : Nearly regular cell-decompositions of orientable 2-manifolds with at most two exceptional cells.Math. Slov. 27 (1977), 73-89. MR 0461511
Reference: [4] J. Malkevitch: Properties of planar graphs with uniform vertex and face structure.Mem. Amer. Math. Soc. 99 (1970). Zbl 0196.27203, MR 0260616


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