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[1] F. M. Arscott: Periodic Differential Equations. Pergamon Press, Oxford 1964. Zbl 0121.29903
[2] O. Borůvka: Linear Differential Transformations of the Second Order. The English Univ. Press, London 1971. MR 0463539
[3] O. Borůvka: On central dispersions of the differential equation y" = q(t)y with periodic coefficients. Lecture Notes in Mathematics, 415 (1974), 47-60. MR 0450691
[4] O. Borůvka: Sur les blocs équations différentielles y" = q(t)y aux coefficients périodique. Rеnd. Mat. 8 (1975), 519-532. MR 0379945
[5] O. Bоrůvka : Sur quelques compléments à la théorie de Floquet pour les équations différentielles du deuxième ordre. Ann. Mat. Pura Appl. Ѕ. IV, CII (1975), 71-77.
[6] O. Бopyвкa: Teopuя глoбaлъныx cвoйcmв oбыкнoвeнныx лuнeйныx дuффepeнцuaлъныx ypaвнeнuй вmopoгo nopядкa. Диффepeнциaльныe ypaвнeния, No 8, т. XII, 1976, 1347-1383.
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[14] F. Neumаn: Note on bounded non-periodic solutions of second-order linear differential equations with periodic coefficients. Mаth. Nаch., 39 (1969), 217-222. MR 0247193
[15] F. Neumаn аnd S. Stаněk: On the structure of second-order periodic differential equations with given characteristic multipliers. Arch. Mаth. (Brno), XIII (1977), 149-158. MR 0460790
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