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MSC: 93C30
[1] Mills H. D.: Smoothing in servo processes. SIAM Rev. (1961), 2, 131-139. MR 0128574 | Zbl 0124.34002
[2] Režný Z.: Smoothing in a discrete random process of the autoregressive type (in Czech). Problémy kybernetiky. Publ. House of the Czechoslovak Acad. Sci., Prague 1965, 96-106. MR 0189901
[3] Ragazzini J. R.: Digital computers in feedback systems. Conv. Rec. IRE, Pt 4, (1957), 33-42.
[4] Walsh J. L.: Interpolation and approximation by rational functions in the complex domain (Russian translation). Inoizdat, Moscow, 1961. MR 0218586
[5] Цыпкин Я. 3.: Теория импульсных систем. Физматгиз, Москва 1958. Zbl 0995.62501
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