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[1] Banerjee C R., Lahiri B. K.: On subseries of divergent series. Amer. Math. Monthly, 71 (1964), 767-768. MR 0166511 | Zbl 0127.02804
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[5] Bush K. A.: Locally recurrent functions. Amer. Math. Monthly, 70 (1963), 199-206. MR 0132131
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[10] Šalát T.: On subseries. Math. Z. 85 (1964), 209-225. MR 0179507
[11] Banerjee C. R., Lahiri B. K.: Some theorems on subseries of divergent series. Indian J. Mech. and Math. 2 (1964), 24-27. MR 0177226
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[18] Šalát T.: A remark on normal numbers. Revue math, pures et appl. 11 (1966), 53-56. MR 0201386
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[20] Marcus S.: Sur les proprietes differentiates des fonctions dont les points de continuity forment un ensemble frontiére partout dense. Ann. l'ecole norm. sup. 79 (1962), 1-21. MR 0202933
[21] Halperin I.: Discontinuous functions with the Darboux property. Amer. Math. Monthly 57 (1950), 539-540. MR 0038415 | Zbl 0040.17301
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[23] Šalát T.: Cantorsche Entwicklungen der reellen Zahlen und das Hausdorffsche Mass. Publs. Math. Inst. Hung. Acad. Sci. 6 (1961), 15-41. MR 0147465
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