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Title: Chromatic Index of Hamiltonian Graphs (English)
Author: Bosák, Juraj
Author: Fiamčík, Jozef
Language: English
Journal: Matematický časopis
ISSN: 0025-5173
Volume: 23
Issue: 1
Year: 1973
Pages: 88-94
Category: math
MSC: 05C15
MSC: 05C35
MSC: 05Cxx
MSC: 57M15
idZBL: Zbl 0257.05105
idMR: MR0323603
Date available: 2009-09-25T08:22:03Z
Last updated: 2012-07-31
Stable URL:
Reference: [1] BERGE C.: Graphes et hypergraphes.Dunod, Paris 1970. Zbl 0213.25702, MR 0357173
Reference: [2] BOSÁK J.: Chromatic index of finite and infinite graphs.Czechoslovak Math. J. 22, 1972, 272-290. Zbl 0239.05113, MR 0309777
Reference: [3] FIAMČÍK J., JUCOVIČ E.: Colouring the edges of a multigraph.Arch. Math. 21, 1970, 446-448. Zbl 0203.26501, MR 0289355
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Reference: [7] BИЗИHГ B. Г.: Xpoмaтичecкий клacc мyльтигpaфa.Kибepнeтикa 1965, № 3, 29-39. MR 0189915


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