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Title: Očekávané a skutečné znalosti matematiky žáků přicházejících na gymnázia (Czech)
Title: Expected and actual mathematics knowledge of students entering a secondary grammar school (English)
Author: Pavlíková, Dana
Language: Czech
Journal: Učitel matematiky
ISSN: 1210-9037
Volume: 22
Issue: 3
Year: 2014
Pages: 168-185
Summary lang: English
Category: other
Summary: The objective of this work is the analysis and evaluation of the pupils' different levels of knowledge of mathematics, but also their specific knowledge of arithmetic and geometry and their logical reasoning. The research study was conducted in the first years of secondary school were there are the most apparent differences in the level of acquired mathematical knowledge of pupils coming from different schools. Grade assessment of pupils which they get at the primary school is not always a clear indicator of their knowledge. Pupils with the same grade often have significantly different levels of knowledge. The article presents selected results of the research such as the identification of levels of knowledge of pupils coming from different primary schools and of their specific weaknesses. (English)
MSC: 97C99
Date available: 2022-03-09T12:36:17Z
Last updated: 2022-09-04
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