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indefinite Kenmotsu manifold; lightlike submanifold; totally contact umbilical screen-slant lightlike submanifold; totally contact umbilical radical screen-transversal lightlike submanifold
We study totally contact umbilical screen-slant lightlike submanifolds and totally contact umbilical screen-transversal lightlike submanifolds of an indefinite Kenmotsu manifold. We prove a characterization theorem of totally contact umbilical screen-slant lightlike submanifolds of an indefinite Kenmotsu manifold. We further prove some results on a totally contact umbilical radical screen-transversal lightlike submanifold of an indefinite Kenmotsu manifold, such as the necessary and sufficient conditions for the screen distribution $S(TM)$ to be integrable and for the induced connection $\nabla $ to be a metric connection.
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