11 Number theory
11Yxx Computational number theory
11Y16 Algorithms; complexity (5 articles)
Moreno-Frías, Maria Angeles; Rosales, José Carlos:
The lattice of ideals of a numerical semigroup and its Frobenius restricted variety associated.
Mathematica Bohemica,
vol. 149
issue 3,
pp. 439-454
Gadiyar, Gopalakrishna Hejmadi; Padma, Ramanathan:
The discrete logarithm problem over prime fields: the safe prime case. The Smart attack, non-canonical lifts and logarithmic derivatives.
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal,
vol. 68
issue 4,
pp. 1115-1124
Netuka, Ivan; Veselý, Jiří:
Nedávné poznatky o čísle $\pi$.
(Czech) [Recent knowledge of the number $\pi$].
Pokroky matematiky, fyziky a astronomie,
vol. 43
issue 3,
pp. 217-236
Pomerance, Carl:
Vyprávění o dvou sítech.
(Czech) [A tale of two sieves].
Pokroky matematiky, fyziky a astronomie,
vol. 43
issue 1,
pp. 9-29
Lovász, László:
Nový pohled na algoritmickou matematiku.
(Czech) [A new approach to algorithmic mathematics].
Pokroky matematiky, fyziky a astronomie,
vol. 35
issue 1,
pp. 12-22