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numerical semigroup; ideal; Frobenius restricted variety; embedding dimension; Frobenius number; restricted Frobenius number; genus; multiplicity; Arf numerical semigroup; saturated semigroup
Let $\Delta $ be a numerical semigroup. In this work we show that $\mathcal {J}(\Delta ) =\{I\cup \nobreak \{0\}\colon I \mbox { is an ideal of } \Delta \}$ is a distributive lattice, which in addition is a Frobenius restricted variety. We give an algorithm which allows us to compute the set $\mathcal {J}_a(\Delta )=\{S\in \mathcal {J}(\Delta )\colon \max (\Delta \backslash S)=a\}$ for a given $a\in \Delta .$ As a consequence, we obtain another algorithm that computes all the elements of $\mathcal {J}(\Delta )$ with a fixed genus.
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