13 Commutative rings and algebras
13Hxx Local rings and semilocal rings
13H99 None of the above, but in this section (3 articles)
Behboodi, M.; Moradzadeh-Dehkordi, A.:
On commutative rings whose prime ideals are direct sums of cyclics.
Archivum Mathematicum,
vol. 48
issue 4,
pp. 291-299
Bossoto, Basile Guy Richard; Okassa, Eugène:
Champs de vecteurs et formes différentielles sur une variété des points proches.
(French) [Vector fields and differential forms on a near-point manifold].
Archivum Mathematicum,
vol. 44
issue 2,
pp. 159-171
Johnson, Johnny A.:
Completeness in semi-local ideal lattices.
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal,
vol. 27
issue 3,
pp. 378-387