14 Algebraic geometry
14Nxx Projective and enumerative geometry
14N05 Projective techniques (13 articles)
Bank, Bernd; Giusti, Marc; Heintz, Joos; Pardo, Luis M.:
Generalized polar varieties and an efficient real elimination.
vol. 40
issue 5,
pp. [519]-550
Ballico, E.:
On the gonality of curves in $\bold P^n$.
Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae,
vol. 38
issue 1,
pp. 177-186
Boďa, Eduard; Solčan, Štefan:
A note on imperfect monomial curves in $P^3$.
Mathematica Slovaca,
vol. 37
issue 3,
pp. 299-303
Degoli, Lando:
Sur la caractéristique de la Jacobienne des systèmes linéaires de quadriques.
(French) [On the characteristic of the Jacobian of linear systems of quadrics].
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal,
vol. 36
issue 3,
pp. 476-484
Klucký, Dalibor; Marková, Libuše:
A note on a quartic with a tacnode and a flexnode.
Acta Universitatis Palackianae Olomucensis. Facultas Rerum Naturalium. Mathematica,
vol. 24
issue 1,
pp. 31-36
Marková, Libuše; Švecová, Marie:
On inflection points of some type of quartics with a single triple point.
Acta Universitatis Palackianae Olomucensis. Facultas Rerum Naturalium. Mathematica,
vol. 24
issue 1,
pp. 37-39
Klucký, Dalibor; Marková, Libuše:
On inflection points of the plane quartic with two nodal and one flexnodal points.
Acta Universitatis Palackianae Olomucensis. Facultas Rerum Naturalium. Mathematica,
vol. 24
issue 1,
pp. 41-44
Bureš, Jarolím:
O šestnáctém Hilbertově problému.
(Czech) [On Hilbert's sixteenth problem].
Pokroky matematiky, fyziky a astronomie,
vol. 20
issue 1,
pp. 27-38
Komara, Imrich:
Stupeň inverznej krivky v projektívnom priestore Lagrangeových-Sylvestrových polynómov.
(Slovak) [Degree of an Inverse Curve in the Projective Space of Lagrange-Sylvester Polynomials].
Matematický časopis,
vol. 23
issue 4,
pp. 301-305
Metelka, Josef:
Sur les variétés de base simples des transformations de Cremona.
(French) [On simple manifolds of a base in Cremona transformations].
Acta Universitatis Palackianae Olomucensis. Facultas Rerum Naturalium. Mathematica-Physica-Chemica,
vol. 2
issue 1,
pp. 5-32
Čech, Eduard:
O křivkovém a plošném elementu třetího řádu projektivního prostoru.
(Czech) [On a curvilinear and surface element of the third order in projective space].
Časopis pro pěstování mathematiky a fysiky,
vol. 50
issue 3,
pp. 219-249