53Axx Classical differential geometry (22 articles)
Vanžurová, Alena:
Some algebraic models for differential geometry of second order [Abstract of thesis].
Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae,
vol. 29
issue 1,
pp. 202-203
Perlova, N. G.:
О бесконечно малых изгибаниях высших порядков замкнутых ребристых поверхностей вращения.
(Russian) [Higher order infinitesimal deformations of closed, ribbed surfaces of revolution].
Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae,
vol. 11
issue 1,
pp. 31-51
Mokrishchev, K. K.; Černjavskaja, I. A.:
Oб однозначной опрeделённости некоторых классов поверхностей в пространстве Лобачевского.
(Russian) [The unique determination of certain classes of surfaces in Lobačevskiĭ space].
Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae,
vol. 10
issue 3,
pp. 447-462
Perlova, N. G.:
О бесконечно малых изгибаниях 1-го, 2-го и 3-го порядков замкнутых ребристых поверхностей вращения.
(Russian) [First, second and third order infinitesimal bendings of closed ribbed surfaces of revolution].
Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae,
vol. 10
issue 1,
pp. 1-35
Čakmazjan, A. V.:
К теории двумерных двойственно нормализованных поверхностей.
(Russian) [On the theory of two-dimensional dually normalized surfaces ${\cal D}_2$ in $E_n$].
Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae,
vol. 9
issue 1,
pp. 79-85
Mokrishchev, K. K.:
O кривых четырехмерного эвклидова пространства.
(Russian) [Curves in four-dimensional euclidean space].
Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae,
vol. 7
issue 2,
pp. 127-138
Mokrishchev, K. K.:
О бесконечно малых изгибаниях тора.
(Russian) [Infinitesimal bendings of a torus].
Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae,
vol. 7
issue 3,
pp. 279-288
Svoboda, Karel:
Déformation ponctuelle des congruences de droites dans des espaces symplectiques à trois dimensions.
(French) [Point deformation of line congruences in a symplectic space of the dimmension 3].
Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae,
vol. 6
issue 4,
pp. 393-401
Havel, Václav:
Die Čechschen Kollineationen eines Flächenpaares.
(German) [The Čech's colineation of pairs of planes].
Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae,
vol. 5
issue 3,
pp. 133-143
Svoboda, Karel; Havel, Václav; Kolář, Ivan:
La méthode du repérage des systèmes de sous-variétés.
(French) [The method of framing of systems of submanifolds].
Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae,
vol. 5
issue 4,
pp. 183-201
Mokrishchev, K. K.:
О некоторых специальных кривых пространства посштоянной кривизны.
(Russian) [Some special curves in a space of constant curvature].
Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae,
vol. 5
issue 2,
pp. 79-84
Mokrishchev, K. K.:
Об однозначной определённости некоторых произвольно искривленных поверхностей.
(Russian) [On the unique determination of certain warped surfaces].
Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae,
vol. 5
issue 4,
pp. 203-208
Jůza, Miloslav:
Le système monoparamétrique des plans dans l'espace $S_6$.
(French) [Monoparametric system of planes in the space $S_6$].
Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae,
vol. 4
issue 3,
pp. 99-101
Jůza, Miloslav:
Les monosystemes d'espaces projectifs avec les asymptotiques formees par les droites.
(French) [Monosystems of projective spaces with asymptotic formed by lines].
Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae,
vol. 4
issue 3,
pp. 103-104
Cenkl, Bohumil:
On the local map of manifolds.
Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae,
vol. 4
issue 1,
pp. 15-28
Tret'yakov, V. D.:
Конформная интерпретация сыметрических конформно-евклидовых пространств.
(Russian) [A conformal interpretation of symmetric, conformally Euclidean spaces].
Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae,
vol. 4
issue 2,
pp. 65-73
Švec, Alois:
Les espaces de König du point de vue des espaces fibrés à connexion.
(French) [König spaces from the point of view of fibre space with connection].
Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae,
vol. 3
issue 1,
pp. 11-14
Horák, Vladimír:
Complexes osculateurs des congruences $W$.
(French) [Osculating complexes of congruences $W$].
Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae,
vol. 1
issue 3,
pp. 25-30
Horák, Vladimír:
Projektive Deformation der Segreschen $W$-Kongruenzen.
(German) [Projective deformation of Segre's $W$-congruences].
Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae,
vol. 1
issue 2,
pp. 5-13
Švec, Alois:
Sur la différentiabilité du repére de Winternitz d'une courbe.
(French) [On the differentiability of Winternitz's frame of a curve].
Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae,
vol. 1
issue 3,
pp. 31-34
Jůza, Miloslav:
Variétés qui sont généralisations des surfaces réglées.
(French) [Manifolds which are generalizations of ruled surfaces].
Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae,
vol. 1
issue 2,
pp. 14-16
Nožička, František:
Skaláry křivosti nadplochy vnořené do euklidovského prostoru a jejich geometrický význam.
(Czech) [Scalars of curvature of hypersurface embedded into Euclidean space and their geometrical importance].
Časopis pro pěstování matematiky,
vol. 77
issue 4,
pp. 347-372
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