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65 Numerical analysis
65Dxx Numerical approximation and computational geometry (
2 articles
65D32 Quadrature and cubature formulas (13 articles)
Tvrdá, Katarína; Novotný, Peter
Modifications of Newton-Cotes formulas for computation of repeated integrals and derivatives
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal
vol. 73 (2023), issue 4
pp. 1175-1188
Finěk, Václav
Quadrature formulas based on the scaling function
Applications of Mathematics
vol. 50 (2005), issue 4
pp. 387-399
Křížek, Michal; Práger, Milan; Vitásek, Emil
Spolehlivost numerických výpočtů
(Czech) [Reliability of numerical calculations].
Pokroky matematiky, fyziky a astronomie
vol. 42 (1997), issue 1
pp. 8-23
Hackbusch, Wolfgang; Sauter, Stefan A.
On the efficient use of the Galerkin-method to solve Fredholm integral equations
Applications of Mathematics
vol. 38 (1993), issue 4
pp. 301-322
Elhay, Sylvan; Kautsky, Jaroslav
Generalized Kronrod Patterson type imbedded quadratures
Applications of Mathematics
vol. 37 (1992), issue 2
pp. 81-103
Matušů, Josef; Dohnal, Gejza; Matušů, Martin
On one method of numerical integration
Applications of Mathematics
vol. 36 (1991), issue 4
pp. 241-263
Bezvoda, Václav; Farzan, Ruszlán; Segeth, Karel; Takó, Galina
On numerical evaluation of integrals involving Bessel functions
Aplikace matematiky
vol. 31 (1986), issue 5
pp. 396-410
Ioakimidis, Nikolaos I.
Further convergence results for two quadrature rules for Cauchy type principal value integrals
Aplikace matematiky
vol. 27 (1982), issue 6
pp. 457-466
Bose, Subhas Chandra; Kundu, Madhav Chandra
Estimation of error in approximate numerical integration near a simple pole using Chebyshev points
Aplikace matematiky
vol. 25 (1980), issue 6
pp. 400-407
Práger, Milan
Universally optimal approximation of functionals
Aplikace matematiky
vol. 24 (1979), issue 6
pp. 406-420
Babuška, Ivo
Über optimale Quadraturformeln im Raume periodischer Funktionen
(German) [On optimal quadrature formulas in the space of periodic functions].
Aplikace matematiky
vol. 11 (1966), issue 4
pp. 259-265
Mikloško, Jozef
Замечания об оптимализации одномерных численных квадратур при аналитически заданной подинтегральной функции
(Russian) [Remarks on optimization of one-dimensional numerical quadratures for an analytically determined integrand].
Aplikace matematiky
vol. 10 (1965), issue 3
pp. 283-288
Vojtíšek, L. V.
О вычислении коэффициентов для формул механических кубатур
(Russian) [Computation of coefficients for formulae of mechanical cubatures].
Aplikace matematiky
vol. 10 (1965), issue 3
pp. 312-316
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